Displaying a Box file
It is often easy to display a file shared on cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox, by sharing the file and using its link in the Web Page app. Box, however, has some security restrictions that won't let you embed the file in a Online MonitorsAnyWhere page as is. The solution is to choose to embed the file like so:
- In your Box account, find the file you like to share and click on the button with the three dots.
- Go to More Actions > Embed Widget.
- Select the web address between the quotes right after src= and copy that (it might be convenient to first copy the whole text from the little box to a text editor first). You don't need to select a size.

Then in your Online MonitorsAnyWhere designer:
- Add a Web Page app to your page.
- Paste in the web address that you copied from the Box text box into the Web address field.