
Even though you could use any web browser on an Android device to playback your channel, we recommend using our Android app instead. You can get this for free in the Google Play Store. If you don't have the Google Play Store available on your device, you can directly download and install our app onto the device.

For set top boxes (or media players) running Android 10 (Q) or higher you have to make sure they run Android and not AndroidTV.

As of AndroidTV version 10 (Q) it is no longer possible to grant our app permissions to auto start when the device is turned on. For most TV's (that run AndroidTV) this is no problem since these usually offer a way to choose a source at startup including an Android app. But since there are set top boxes available with AndroidTV instead of Android that do not have this special feature missing the auto start can be an unexpected consequence. So please make sure your set top box runs Android and not AndroidTV when the version is 10 or higher.

Google Play Store

  1. Open the Google Play Store.
  2. Search for Playr.
  3. Install the app.
  4. Restart the device. The app should now start automatically.
  5. Register your player and you're ready to go!

Direct Download

We have two versions of our Android app available: one for regular Android boxes and tablets and one for professional digital signage displays. The first one has its own "autostart mechanism" built in. The latter uses the mechanism of the professional display to automatically start the app.

On an Android box or tablet

  1. Open this page in a web browser on your Android device.
  2. Download the app by clicking the following link to download the app.
  3. Click the downloaded PlayrForAndroid.apk file to install the app.
  4. Restart the device. The app should now start automatically.
  5. Register your player and you're ready to go!

On a professional signage display

  1. Download the app on your computer.
  2. Transfer the file with a USB thumb drive to the display and click it to install.
  3. Configure the professional display to automatically start with the newly installed app.
  4. Restart the display to test the automated startup process.
  5. Register your player and you're ready to go!

The direct download method has a big drawback: you won't receive any app updates. So you should always use the Play Store if possible!


The app will show the channel full screen and it will hide the back/home/application list buttons. By touching the screen or moving the mouse (depending on the type of device you use) these buttons will reappear. If you don't use them they will automatically hide after a few seconds.

When The App Does Not Start Automatically

The Playr app will start automatically when the player is turned on. In rare cases this automatic start will, however, not work properly. When you encounter this please let us know and use the following workaround:

  1. From the PlayStore install the Autostart and StaY! app (or download the apk here only if your device does not have the PlayStore app)
  2. Start the Autostart and StaY! app and configure it to start the Playr app

The Autostart and StaY! app will cause the Playr app to start whenever the player is turned on.