
The Shape element lets you select from a variety of shapes that you can further customize to your own needs.



You can configure the element using the following properties, depending on the selected shape:

Property Explanation
Background color Set the fill color of the shape. Also see our tips section.
Border size Draw a border around the shape.
Border color Set the border color. Also see our tips section.
Cut-out angle Set the angle of the portion cut our of the pie shape.
Pointer orientation Set the direction of the pointer of a callout shape.
Thickness Set the thickness of the shape's body.
Number of points Set the number of points of a star shape.
Number of sides Set the number of sides of a polygon shape.
Top position Use this to move the top of a triangle left or right.
Tip size Set the size of the tip of an arrow shape.
Curve Set the curve of the stem of an arrow shape.
Slant Set the amount of slant of the sides of a trapezoid or parallelogram shape.

And finally there are a number of generic app properties that you can configure that you'll find on many other elements as well.

Hold down your ALT-key while rotating a shape to quickly turn it in any direction with increments of 15 degrees, as described in the page designer's shortcut keys.